Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd 福特汽車工程研究(南京)有限公司Located in the Jiangning Development Zone in Nanjing, China and established in 2007, Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (REC) is a wholly foreign-owned subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company.Playing a key role in product development Ford’s elite REC team helps to accelerate the introduction of exciting new Ford technologies to China. Manufacturing technology is another major focus of REC, with our researchers and engineers designing systems, processes, components and state-of-the-art technology into all our vehicles in APA. In addition, as home for Ford’s China Purchasing Office, REC purchasing buyers and engineers manage supplier relationships, set manufacturing strategies, and collaborate with key suppliers on developing new technologies.REC currently employs more than 1,000 talented Chinese and international staff. In early 2012, the REC facility doubled its capacity with the opening of a second REC engineering building.
福特汽車工程研究(南京)有限公司位于南京市江寧經濟技術開發區,成立于2007年,是美國福特汽車公司在華設立的全資子公司。福特南京研發中心擁有一流的技術力量和設施設備,服務中國及全球業務。公司作為福特汽車全球產品和技術開發的六大中心之一,承擔著支持整個亞太和非洲地區福特車型的引入和開發工作。同時,作為福特汽車在中國的采購中心,福特南京研發中心與眾多優秀的國內供應商保持著密切的業務關系, 每年為福特汽車遍布全球的生產制造企業的零部件供應提供支持和服務。福特南京研發中心還設有福特汽車在亞太和非洲區的制造工程部門,引領著該地區包括中國、泰國、印度、澳大利亞和南非等國家在內的整車和發動機制造的項目實施。福特南京研發中心目前擁有一千多名優秀的中外員工,并將繼續吸收更多優秀人才。